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Monitoring in a Home Studio

Finding useful audio information on the internet can be a painstaking task.

Many audio blogs fail to cover the simple fundamentals. There are rudiments and steps that can actually help improve your mixing and engineering, yet much of the internet is cluttered with information on the “best hi-fi setup”, or “something about analog gear that none of us can afford.” Sure, it’s easier than ever to jump into the world of music production. The digital age gives us access to loads of free information! However, instead of offering skills and techniques, many audio sources only try to sell you their favorite reverb or vocal processor.

This wasn’t the case when we read over TuneCore’s monitoring tips. Not at all. Scott Wiggins, from The Recording Solution, covers some of the most overlooked monitoring techniques in the industry.

We at Catz Audio are passionate about education in the audio industry. It’s always fun to discuss gear and advanced mixing tips, but going back to basics every once in a while is paramount. We have a responsibility in this industry to make each other better. The fine folks at TuneCore believe in this as well, and thus, we are honored to introduce their post on Monitor Tips!


Before You Read TuneCore’s Feature…

There are a few things you should know about monitoring.


1) EVERY set of monitors is different. Every brand, every model, every type…

Whether you use in-ears, headphones, or speakers, it’s important to take note of your monitor’s unique frequency response. The frequency response refers to how your monitor plays back certain frequencies. For instance, one set of monitors may have a “boomy” mid-range while another set has a scooped mid-range and crispy high end.

Like Scott mentions in his second point, multiple monitors should be addressed when mixing and engineering. This is important for mix translatability. You want everyone to love your mix regardless if they’re listening in their car or on their Apple Airpods right?

That’s why we use multiple monitoring sources. To make ourselves unbiased during the mixing process!


2) It takes time to “learn your monitors”

Mixing is hard. One moment you’ll be jamming to your mix, and the next moment you’ll realize that it sounds revolting on every listening source besides your own.

Even if you have the best monitors in the world, it will take months, if not years, to learn how they translate to the real world. All you can do is practice. Mix, rinse, and repeat.


3) Scott’s first point is vital to your health

In TuneCore’s post, you’ll see that it’s recommended to mix at low volumes. This isn’t just a voodoo mixing technique, this is a health precaution.

Ear fatigue and hearing loss are the results of prolonged audio exposure. If you’re mixing at low volumes, your mixes will be better, and your ears will stay golden.


Enjoy the read, and make sure to browse around on TuneCore’s other posts if you want to go deeper!

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